We recently received a check from the AIPG Foundation for $4,000 to be used for appropriate geological education programs (K-12, etc.) as we see fit. When this amount is added to the approximately $10,000 we already had in our AIPG Alaska Section account (mostly from members’ dues) we now have about $14,000. How should we spend our money to best benefit the public, the AIPG and the Alaska Section Membership? We are looking for good suggestions, please! We hope for some earth shaking ideas from the seismologists, for an eruption of good options from the vulcanoligists, for some true gems from tjhe mineralogists and for a gold mine of opportunities from the mining geologists, amoung others! After collecting the ideas we plan to poll the membership to find out which ideas have the most support. Some ideas we have had are educational visits to local schools, local and international geological field trips, increased participation in the AIPG National Conference and lobbying of Alaska state government on behalf of the AIPG. We look forward to all your great ideas!
Sincerely, Peter Grey, Treasurer
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